Flood Insurance
Did you know that every coastal property is located in a flood zone? Some are considered higher risk than others, but all coastal property owners can benefit from flood insurance.
Some flood zones are considered hazardous, while others are considered non-hazardous. Regardless of the flood zone, your property is susceptible to flooding and we can provide coverage for you. SSIA offers primary and excess flood coverage in areas where the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is available. These rates are subsidized by the federal government and are usually very affordable.
In some areas, flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is not available. These areas are known colloquially as COBRA Zones, CBRA (Coastal Barrier Resource Area) zones, or OPA (Otherwise Protected Area) zones. SSIA is, however, able to provide primary flood insurance through carriers within the private market in areas where NFIP coverage is not available. By packaging flood coverage with a Replacement Cost Homeowner’s or Dwelling Policy, we can help protect your assets in these areas.
SSIA services Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida as well as South Carolina and Tennessee. We can assist you with finding proper flood coverage for your properties!
Excess Flood
The NFIP does not currently offer any more than $250,000 in Dwelling protection for any one property, so be sure to ask about excess flood coverage so that you can be fully protected.
Did you know you can check your flood zone by simply entering your address on FEMA’s website? Click here to visit FEMA’s Flood Map Service Center (MSC) website, enter your information, and see your current flood map and zone. This is a wonderful tool for individuals to gain access to the knowledge they need to help protect their homes and businesses!
Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act
In July 2012, U.S. Congress passed the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 which calls on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and other agencies, to make serious changes to the way the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is run. A number of these changes have already occurred, and others will be implemented in the coming months. Key provisions of the legislation will require the NFIP to raise rates to reflect true flood risk. This should make the program more financially stable. The changes will mean premium rate increases for a portion of the five million policy holders (estimated 950,000) over time. Homeowners and business owners are encouraged to learn their flood risk and talk to their insurance agent to determine if their policy will be affected by Biggert-Waters.
SSIA can assist you in buying flood insurance and/or homeowners insurance coverage in any coastal Alabama, Mississippi, Florida and South Carolina County. Protect your beachfront property, waterfront home or bay house with Flood Insurance from SSIA. Click here for a policy map.
Visit www.fema.gov for more information or call us today to learn how this may affect you 251-923-4463.