How do I reduce the cost of my flood insurance?

In last week’s post we discussed what flood insurance costs in various flood zones.  We mentioned that living in an “X” zone was the most desirable zone for keeping your flood insurance costs low.  However, if your piece of paradise is located in an “AE” or “VE” flood zone, here are some helpful tips in keeping your flood insurance costs down:

  1. Build high, and preferably with no enclosure.  The main purpose for building a home on pilings is to raise the home to a positive elevation in relation to the Base Flood Elevation (BFE).  Keeping your home well above the BFE is the best way to keep your flood insurance premium down.
  2. Install flood vents.  Engineered flood vents are designed to reduce damage to your home during a flood by relieving pressure on the foundation walls and helping to minimize or prevent structural damage.  (Please note that in “VE” zones, flood vents will not help reduce your flood insurance rate.)
  3. If the home does have an enclosure underneath, the following are some general ways to keep coverage rates lower:
    1. Be sure there are less than 20 linear feet of finished wall space;
    2. Build the enclosure with breakaway walls, and;
    3. Be sure the enclosure is less than 300 total square feet.

Here are two examples of homes built on pilings with no enclosure:

No Enclosure 2

Since this home has no underneath enclosure, the flood coverage will be rated based on the elevation of the living level (see red arrow).

No Enclosure 1

Since this home has no underneath enclosure, the flood coverage will be rated based on the elevation of the living level (see red arrow).



Here are two examples of homes built on pilings with enclosures underneath:

With Enclosure

Since this home has no flood vents and an underneath enclosure, the flood coverage will be rated from the elevation of the bottom of the enclosure (see red arrow).

With Enclosure 2

This home has enclosures, but does have flood vents. Therefore the flood coverage will be rated based on the elevation of the lower living level (see red arrow).

A good insurance agent can be helpful in determining what enclosure specifications will be used to determine the cost of your coverage.  So call your favorite Trusted Choice agent today!